Classified Advertising


If you are interested in advertising in the APB, please fill out the submission form below. Once we receive the form, we will calculate your payment and send you a contract. All ads must be paid in advance for a minimum of two issues. Your payment, plus a signed copy of the contract, must be returned before your ad will be published. Make checks payable to CAHP. Payment by credit card is not available at this time.

Rates (2 issue minimum)

  • Option 1: $7 per line, per issue for 2 issues
  • Option 2: $6 per line, per issue for 3-5 issues
  • Option 3: $5 per line, per issue for 6 issues

No logos, special art or graphics will be accepted for classified ads. The limit is 10 lines of 45 characters each (spaces and punctuation included). The CAHP reserves the right to approve all ads.

No refunds will be issued for ads canceled prior to the end of your contract period.

Payment and signed contract are due by the 2nd of the month prior to the publication date. If we receive your contract and payment after that date, it will run in the subsequent issue. (For example, if payment and contract is received March 2, the ad will run in the April issue. If it is received March 12, it will run in the June issue.)

The limit is 10 lines of 45 characters each (spaces and punctuation included).